Acacia Global sponsors creative workshops at Monkeybiz in South Africa

We received the following report from our partners at Monkeybiz, who were very happy to have had the opportunity to learn new techniques to improve their beautiful work!


Philiswa Lila is a prominent Xhosa-speaking South African artist; she has had many solo exhibitions in South Africa Galleries.

On the first day we had 11 women artists; on the second day, 8 women and 1 gentleman artist attended for a total of 20 artists for the two-day workshop.

The first day we learned 3 different stitches. It was reall inspiring since we only know one kind of beading and we really enjoyed it that we could manage to do another different stitch from what we are normally used with our artworks. She was an amazing young lady, passionate about what she does and happy to pass on her knowledge to the Monkeybiz artists.

The second day the (graphic) design artist from Carrol Boyes took a portrait of each and every artist in black and white and printed them. Philiswa prepared the lines from all the pictures. She then showed us on another different technique with everyone working on her own face as a portrait, it was wonderful.

We learned a lot in order to explore our capabilities and get more ideas on how we can incorporate the technique into our work that we are currently doing.

These workshops assist the Monkeybiz artists to become self-sufficient, they know they are capable of anything and they gain self-confidence to work outside of their environment.

Philiswa Lila has Inspired our beaders with the view that an individual can take beading to great heights and beautiful artistry.

Susan Everson